Skin Needs Face & Body Therapy

Pamper yourself with the mystical Asian TCM natural healing (Guasha) treatments.

Skin Needs, a strong believer of natural and organic food and skin care products, uses Potpots 100% Certified Organic Skin Care.

Tailoring treatment to effectively assist my clients, to resolve skin and health related issues, is the vital part of service of Skin Needs.

Each service from Skin Needs always leave you with this experience; warm, assuring and refreshing.
Its a home spa after all!

I look forward to be part of your beauty regime!

Yours sincerely,
Swee Kum

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Skin Needs uses only 100% certified organic skin care Potpots

Skin Needs uses only 100% certified organic skin care Potpots

06 October 2006

GuaSha facial therapy - 传统和现代的结合


刮痧是一种泻疗。泻气疗法的「」是循血走向经络而走的主要功能是疏通经络, ,通气活血促進新陳代謝。

Basic principle of GuaSha

GuaSha is a kind of ‘chi’ flow therapy. ‘ (xie) in 泻气 therapy refers to the flow and counter flow of ‘chi’ in our body. The main function is to regulate the flow channels and collaterals, aerate to energize blood flow and improving metabolic rate.

面部刮痧美容法 来源: 医学教育网 (2006-04-17)



达到排毒养颜,谈化黑眼圈, 消除眼袋, 缓皱纹,活血除疮,抗氧嫩白,行气消斑,平滑面凹洞, 保健美的功效。

Gua Sha facial therapy

This is a new natural skin healing method, originated from traditional Gua Sha healing. Traditional GuaSha is an alterative to medication healing for sickness in the older days. Base on face physiological structure, using a designed facial Gua Sha board, with consistent strokes system, moving along specific channels and collaterals acupuncture points on face, it simulates blood circulation, reducing blood vessel obstruction. Once the 'chi' in the blood stream flows smoothly, it is possible to attain benefits like clearing clogged pores, adjust the communication of nerves and balance the yin yang in our body (as in the 'chi').

As the acupuncture points and blood stream flow rate are being simulated by the Gua Sha strokes, face will feel slightly warm. In this process, dead and weak skin cells are being 'get rid off' and revitalized, urges the metabolite to re-charge. Therefore, we are able to see good effects, of such; detoxification, related eye skin issue (dark eye circle and puffiness) iron out fine lines and wrinkles, reduction of acne, antioxidant, closing up pitted holes on skin and reduction in pigmentation. And of course, attain a more radiant and healthier skin.

得注意的是面部与其他部位的皮不同因此面部刮痧不会追求刮出痧斑 。意思是它不会让面部感到痛或通红。面部刮痧以刮至有刮出痧气就好象过脸一部分人因血流循加快而感到心情舒80%的人红热就会恢正常部即清爽舒适露出白里透的自然色。

It is understood that skin on face is different, in term of structure and thickness, from the other part of our body. Therefore, facial GuaSha strokes will only create a warm feeling (with faster blood circulation). One will not feel pain or experience prolong redness. About 80% of the people will find the warmness on your skin back to normal in a short time span. Interestingly, some people may find ‘ease of mind’ due to the increase in blood circulation. Till then, one will feel their skin relax in comfort, with radiance glow.

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