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Yes... that's aging. How to restore Age? When Age is restored, all health and skin related issues will be gone!
Aging is caused by many factors and fail to detox (empty those nonsense) is one of the big contributor.
Objection anyone? If you still object, just write to me and I will tell you why.
Accumulative junks in the body must be cleared. These junks are obstructing basic function of our body. When the CORRECT FOOD are not sufficiently taken, body will not be able to function well due to lack of needed nutrients, therefore cannot function well (detox, repair and re-development).
These imbalance reflects in many ways externally. Unhealthy, dull and problem skin (including tiredness and dark eye circle) is one big hint from body.
There is one very interesting theory about Empty and Fill:
- When your body is emptied, you felt energise!
- If you fill your body with just simply anything, you will feel lousy!
Take for example:
When you cleared whatever you need to after days of constipation, you feel very energise again as you are now in state of emptiness.
Therefore, when body is in state of emptiness, it only needs to channel energy for proper detox, repair and re-development of skin cell. This in turn, helps to fight those free radical internally, which will bring good health and supple skin.
You can try to practice this now, and few the goodness in months.
Aging is caused by many factors and fail to detox (empty those nonsense) is one of the big contributor.
Objection anyone? If you still object, just write to me and I will tell you why.
Accumulative junks in the body must be cleared. These junks are obstructing basic function of our body. When the CORRECT FOOD are not sufficiently taken, body will not be able to function well due to lack of needed nutrients, therefore cannot function well (detox, repair and re-development).
These imbalance reflects in many ways externally. Unhealthy, dull and problem skin (including tiredness and dark eye circle) is one big hint from body.
There is one very interesting theory about Empty and Fill:
- When your body is emptied, you felt energise!
- If you fill your body with just simply anything, you will feel lousy!
Take for example:
When you cleared whatever you need to after days of constipation, you feel very energise again as you are now in state of emptiness.
Therefore, when body is in state of emptiness, it only needs to channel energy for proper detox, repair and re-development of skin cell. This in turn, helps to fight those free radical internally, which will bring good health and supple skin.
You can try to practice this now, and few the goodness in months.
To retain youthful skin, it takes regular practicing the good habits. Start now. Still not too late.
Swee Kum
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